[3:29:41 PM] Hope4uall ceo Steven Thompson: Sooner or later most people figure it out all these deals are started by the same people and the rest of us find out to late that the chosen few at the top make all the money.....and its always at the expense of you and I that joined to late.
I have been around long enough that I don't join deals were a lot will loose so a few can make a lot.
[3:30:43 PM] Hope4uall ceo Steven Thompson: this is number one reason why I ONLY stick to running my own groups, and allow others to leave out, by having me block you, I will never disturb you again,
[3:31:07 PM] Hope4uall ceo Steven Thompson: nor be robbed of new connections by this group either, if I can help it
[3:39:58 PM] Hope4uall ceo Steven Thompson:
If you are here, or see this, and you want to build your own damn business, and are tired of these guru's that propagate 100 sites to hype everyone into, and just build your own, instill in it, what works, ONLY, as a base to start from, then you will understand what I am about, Don't be ruled, be the ruler, and let me share with you how to open the gate to payment means, and transfer all you don't keep track of, into automatic means to keep all you do, relevant, and not forgotten but added to the shelves of your own storefront membership site, and be the boss, http://ezygold.hope4uall.com work it with ease, stop following todd and terry, and all them that are of that robbing you all group, begin to see yet how to be RIGHTOUS in what you say, what you share and what you do, mean it, intend it to be all you care about, that is your business, and won't delete you or cause you to fall, cuz anyone else controls you, you will OWN your ways and means, if you follow my plan here, http://hope4uall.blogspot.com, there are thousands of people to help on the streets, and wishing someone would, YOU CAN, if you go at it like OPEN TRANSPARENTLY PAYING ATTENTION OFCOURSE, to discourse, just don't allow it, moderate, and proof your activities as you do them, make sure you complete each stage, secure your branding, by profile, and mission statement, from your heart, of your intentions with Hope, and we can me and you, find another, then another and another, and KNOW WHAT TO HAVE THEM TO DO, not just sign up and wait, but to follow real planned actions, in modules, like saga's that build upon the last, to keep another saga alive, you see?
[3:47:37 PM] Hope4uall ceo Steven Thompson: needing money to start is an excuse, only because if your willing to go into debt, you can get the funding you need from http://prosper.hope4uall.com but I tell ya, it's a waste if you get it and so ignore all I am doing to help each person that takes action with me, engage with me, so we can be the vip of an real Hope4uall, to build our own city of people, too, in safe region, here this spot will become an island, and I hope to GOD, that many will find their way here, and learn what to do with me, that makes it possible for us all to keep the devistation that happens in the future from killing the world population, IF YOU DON"T GET IT, the next 5 years, is when most of the disaster on humanity is to take place, just look up and really watch the http://youtube.com/?user=hope4uall really check out my lists, of education that out of 4 years of constant learning, I have saved ONLY what really matters to hear and learn, or the very seeds of that, each list, explains who I am and what I am about, if you justify spending your time, FREELY learning, what I have, you will have no choice but to awaken NOW, we only have another 16 days before everyone is moved for them, at least we won't have a pole shift, burn us up, but the quakes will,
[3:49:01 PM] Hope4uall ceo Steven Thompson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ixCerGU5eQ&feature=feedrec_grec_index
[4:09:55 PM] Hope4uall ceo Steven Thompson: Least that those people need, is to not be caughing, they all got and pass sick,
WE NEED TO STEP ON THAT, http://hope4uall.info build your own linking system branding, and work to help others NOW, they are SICK NOW, lets get out there, like I am, and share this with occupy communities forced to vaccinate their babies, and poison their minds before they have ever learned how to be normal, and worse mothers hypno gogic about getting high despite they carry, and who wont breast feed their own children, it's more sad than you think, and I be applies to you one way or another, yet you will lie, they all will lie, and do as destructive is all they are thinking when they have no hope, people don't even know what to excuse themselves in these occupations, they are all children, or haters, out to pull down what they need out of life, by bringing their bodies to those that rule, to hope for money or work, with negatives, shoulders carting hate, won't ever fix our country.
I want to keep it from becoming a catastrophe, for many people, by helping them to grow learn, earn on their own, become the die hard committed people, for change of which we can believe in, and promote those leaders that talk right, then we can eliminate their reason for being there at all,
Demands need to be made of those that are there, not just to the baying of the violent rethoric, pushed onto people by the cops themselves, nor to bring in armys, but to infiltrate them with the solution to each and everyone of them's lives, and do so, by FIRST OF ALL, remove the fluoride, mercury, vaccination crap, and plaque, in our viens, and brain, particularly of the pineal gland, and waking up, these kids, get them to seeek what we show them, to start with that caugh, and why it's so important a first step, in anyones life, to begin the health regiment, takes a month, to fully recover, from everything that binds our bodies, and keeps us from the stress of being, with out hope, by bringing that hope in clear view for us all to grasp. that is the goal to start, but as with all saga's, the progression from there, what you do from now on, can be all about progressing on this path, devine to me, cuz it was by GOD's path for me I got them, and two, cuz I have heated battles with my NOT knowing what is going on in life, this world, and in my own body and mind even, and nearly died before getting to, Resveritrol, silversolution, monoatomic infusion, we are not getting the food we should, and we need to know what and how we can benefit from this mono atomics, that infuse us with the parts of batteries that makes us powered literally able to do wonders,
Sure it happens, but it don't have to happen, we need to secure that faith, in ones self, that we are more than humans' allow us to see, about the creativity of GOD, in creation of us, we are the ultimate manchine, and we can be all that a machine can be, with aid, of understanding, and the physics of mysteries solved, that show Us out right that our minds are computers worth knowing the truth about.
We are so unique in this UNIVERSE, that we are to be dwindled down to only 200 million by the next 5 years, alone, tells me, IT"S UP TO US, to CHANGE THAT FUTURE. BUILD archologies, and go into the factory production of 3d printers, and manufacture the materials we need from recycling technology, and build this entire city, to launch archologies over and over again, to keep up growth, of humanity, we have to get off this rock, FACT, if your underground, now they just nuke the entire american underground entrances' s time is too close at hand, to ignore, those that make sense,
Hope4uall exists as one man's dream to change the world for the better, to be free of fear, poverty, stress, disease, and negativity altogether. To manifest Intention. Follow the steps on the blog, Follow the way to the promised land. DO IT, FOR ALL YOUR HEART SOUL BODY AND MIND, LEARNING, TO BE FREE CREATORS OURSELVES, Free others of their limitations, of Fear. Be Hope4uall
I See all who Visit in real time, please say hi to me here ok..
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Saturday, October 8, 2011
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Hope4uall Contents
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- More on what and why Hope4uall exists, please read...
- Here is a clear view of what to do, Set up your li...
- Step By Step Independence Discovery, What a newbie...
- My Choice words for Individuals on independence day, Remember the work it took to celebrate?
- This is the GateWay Steps to get into Hope4uall fo...
connect with hope4uall at 5pm daily, if you don't see me skype me IamMtfirefox
You will have the money and have the team already built by then.
Your team will succeed, so decide now to get right on in, and work with eachother, personally, daily even, to realize a team, and to use that team in multiple product solutions, that each work together to sustain the growth.
Working to qualify in the steps on the left, will tie you into success with me shortly.
You will own your own membership systematically duplicating what SUCCEEDED for me, to brand YOUR Group building effort, and to become the store owner, you MUST brand your business name, not just YOU, and, be about finding your skype team to build free, so your communications will be tied together, in skype, and LIVE together, in transparency, I show you how to put all you doing with everyone, into ONE group, http://primeskype.hope4uall.com. Get your own profile after you connect to my link, and as you move on to better team building focus,
Your team will GROW leaps and bounds.
YOU NEED A LIST AND Skype as well as your own web based GVO chat, will enable you all. set up. quick, you qualify with only two whom become your true team to interact with, REAL LIVE Meeting and interaction, So get set up fully, to become verifiable and be committed to being involved, you must simply be THERE, or here everyday at 5pm ready to talk, not some hidden shyness, not mean either, just don't be a defensive whiner or silent stammer.
Team build like you mean to be there, LIVE http://hope4uall.net &
You will have the money and have the team already built by then.
Your team will succeed, so decide now to get right on in, and work with eachother, personally, daily even, to realize a team, and to use that team in multiple product solutions, that each work together to sustain the growth.
Working to qualify in the steps on the left, will tie you into success with me shortly.
You will own your own membership systematically duplicating what SUCCEEDED for me, to brand YOUR Group building effort, and to become the store owner, you MUST brand your business name, not just YOU, and, be about finding your skype team to build free, so your communications will be tied together, in skype, and LIVE together, in transparency, I show you how to put all you doing with everyone, into ONE group, http://primeskype.hope4uall.com. Get your own profile after you connect to my link, and as you move on to better team building focus,
Your team will GROW leaps and bounds.
YOU NEED A LIST AND Skype as well as your own web based GVO chat, will enable you all. set up. quick, you qualify with only two whom become your true team to interact with, REAL LIVE Meeting and interaction, So get set up fully, to become verifiable and be committed to being involved, you must simply be THERE, or here everyday at 5pm ready to talk, not some hidden shyness, not mean either, just don't be a defensive whiner or silent stammer.
Team build like you mean to be there, LIVE http://hope4uall.net &
All Main Hope4uall Links, to program modules and tools.
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- My YouTube Channel is ALL ABOUT MY training u to ascend, Watch the play lists, to learn Hope4uall miracles!
- http://Accountnow.hope4uall.com Get your Banking Account no matter your credit us only.
- Fund Hope4uall or get funding for your cause GoFundMe.com
- cashFlowBot.com is only 6 bucks single line company system, every entry is doubled, through alertpay only every day over and over get in this, to fund everything!
- Your gvoConference sign up link and my list and access to training
- Join my mafia in Myspace or face book for free help and advice.
- Everyone Can Start the domino effect of health world wide!
- Hope4-Nutronix
- 5000 free leads for you now just download them after you sign up free.
- Hope4-Skype is where to really get contacts and build a connect to me profile for skype.
- Hope4uall presents Diamond Rewards $300 into $10k plus, with two you qualify.
- Hope4uall Outsoursed Branding to free you up, and get the Job done for sure
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