Even in spiritual gifts, the lord, was the beginning of the spirit of reward passed on, He always wizened people to more of this, mlm mindset, it has nothing to do with products, and if you don't get others involved, then they do not pass it along, and if you give up your done, you will never reach the end, the milk and honey isn't going to flow to you don't you know?
Is that it? not that nothing works, anything can really, it is simply about finding people, whom will listen, teach them, so they can do what you ask, and really get them to learn, then to, teach, find, follow and teach others, in the same light of 12 disciples, we all well know, it's not enough to believe, knowing you have skin in the game, by sharing your beliefs, in passion of life, is meant to be lived, happily, and here is how, that is the way we need to be, that passes on the rewards of and to the lord, for all of us all to gain rewards, in heaven, and on earth too, This world IS NOT HELL OK GET OVER IT, MOVE ON, Join me we'll fight together to find happiness for those without< for we are saved, not, just by knowing, and believing, we must share it too, we are all blessed sinners in the safety of faith of LOVE FOR EACH ONE OF US
That is why! Christ, who died for them sins, showed me how to love, and how to show grace, how to think to know the difference, and what my life can become, opened up like a flower. I am confident in what I have going on, so, we can face people, and stand tall, People DO, want to align, so much, that it matters how you will live, to me, and others, want to know, they will not be slaved to a job, they want to have money and spend it, with peace of mind they can become free, I say without Christ, we have no way out of the shame and guilt of past moral misgivings, and mistakes, made keep us bound up, like a slave to sins of past.
I am in Christ, NOW FREE, of that fear mongering way of thinking. Christ and GOD's Holy Spirit, came together worked together, and together We fought off that sin thinking, when I was 14, That day, was my wakening, and, that day we won independence for the people, even now Christ risen, has our faith that we are all going to be forever, makes this one life, more important than ever. How many lifetimes, without this relief? without this Knowing?
Seeing how I can take and effect others, in my own life now too, just by reaching out to people, I can help, and my doing so, It helps, impacts others, for good, and for those that can come together, in his love, act out of kindness, to bring NEW people, together, and really save them, in life, and in spirit. is the Goal Of Hope4uall,
So, then that now you are saved, YOU should KNOW, to keep it to yourself, is wrong, so, find and talk to others, and get them to all think. By helping them, build a boat, and pole, and tackle, teach them how to act and go forth, saying I have a moral and loving way, and place, for you here with me.
I know you are NOT alone in life, if you let me into your life, to share what i know with you, Getting to know me as am I, and together we are not alone, not here on earth, and not in heaven, even though we can be so far apart, we have the net, video, everything needed to do anything together, see? so yet, you join me, and you are then not alone, even in the after life. I have so much more to share, I want to see you branded, with a project of action, to take, and share your own duplicate of my systems, that I wish you to share.
It will be Hope4uall's satellite brands, that I know will change the world. With the plans I have, we will be, so self sufficient, that we'll be able to build EarthShip homes, that can eventually even fly, that are totally human sustaining, with their own power, food, water/waste cycle systems, air exchange, an garden, and much more too, eventually to become our own community within the nation, our own city is only an property claim away, in an unincorporated area, where no municipality exists. Self sufficient, we all can become fully independant, and Live to be what we were meant to become, enlightened explorers.
In the context of the insular areas of the United States, the word "unincorporated" means that the territory has not been (formally and irrevocably) incorporated into the United States. (See: United States territory.)
Unincorporated insular areas are therefore potentially subject to being
sold or otherwise transferred to another power, or, conversely, being
granted independence. However, neither fate seems likely to occur in the
foreseeable future to the five remaining major unincorporated U.S.
insular areas: American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or the Northern Mariana Islands.
Not some trick of the trade, or any kind of waste, of time or money. will make this happen for you. YOU NEED TO TAKE ACTION, WITHOUT DISTRACTION. Accomplishing each step with patience, and persistence, and to remember, NEVER STRESS, unless you plan to fix the problem causing your stress. Don't let any ONE, or, Nor any kind of information, to stress you out, or to overload your emotional gyro, butter up the ego, the real you, and learn, love to learn, and rely on the facts to become active in them, to create real physical wealth. First you have to realize, wealth, isn't JUST MONEY CASH, ok, there is gold, food, ART, gems, PRODUCTS, and mostly SOLUTIONS, that I show and share, to earn from, and that I purchased, with my own cash, and have proven their success, before ever putting them at you, and now I have real skin in the game for you, thick skin, and that's NOT the end, unless you want to JOINT VENTURE A SITE, You have to have put the steps into play all out, before I can justify working with you to that end, to the end of the race, game, social growth, and planned out life plan to make out of the future what we all want. WE MUST HAVE CLOSE FOLLOWER LEADERS MANAGERS
Finding my 2 has been difficult, People are not interested in doing what I want them to do, don't really want to be a success, and take pride in what another has done, ME, not yet, but I am seeking not just two, but 12 disciples, of a sort, to follow along with me in life, to teach what I know too, ONCE, I have accomplished this, that is when I do admit to myself I have succeed, I am GOING ALL OUT, to LEARN, how to be about MY BRAND, so that we are building a solid team, in multiple ways, and means, that are not anything like what you are used to. Those that do what I have laid out for you, will be POWERFUL members, FOUNDERS mind you, but then why not do more than just to try huh? What is life for, if you have nothing to do, that is new and exciting? What is all of life, is it only about what you can buy or sell, or trick others out of their money?, or is it about finding a heart, learning to share, and help others, achieve self sufficiency, and learn to have real survival? Help work with me to build a committed chain of loving and helpful, friends and people, who support you, cuz you're the one traning and being there for them, as such they're helping you by doing it, and you teach em how, helping them, to seek this, is all their reward themselves will receive.
I am sure of this $10k, http://dr.hope4uall.com earner, IT PAID, and is a real time, PROVEN, way to all out $10k at once. THIS Diamond Rewards System, is the vehicle, that will reward, EFFORT, and organization, that anyone anywhere, can get to know, how to do, and work at it, to end the poverty struggle, not to mention all that you get to use to then help others solving problems for them too. LOOK, this works, if you work it too, gems wealth, is only One of the lord's teachings, there are so many. do unto others as you would have them do unto you, is what I am all about here, as I see this, do on to others as you would wish, to have been done on to you, This is much more, with feeling involved. WORDS MATTER, how they are worded, matters even more, but I seen this, and thought It through.
This thinking, it is what I consider the American way, FREEDOM to think, and to learn, is MAKING MISTAKES, see? IT IS Gods way to teach us all, to grow up, and we have GOT to find friends to help, of any frequency, or of any other of the Holy spirit.. Solidify it for life time remembrance, With a trinket of a real GEM, of an action from one moment in time, setting yourself up for a future, that we put real skin into your future and mine, simply by working together, can and will, manifest our dreams, with faith, work, and commitment over time, be come $10k entitled, to do it, you simply just keep pushing your people, and Hope4uall system, makes it a snap, YOU know it can make us ok, in the end.
With a list, running your own groups, filtering people as you go, with live meetings, and face to face business meetings, using my chat system http://webchat.hope4uall.com we all can meet together, live, in person so to speak, the same as if you are on the road, to get out and meet people, learn who to trust, and in faith start the game, asking people to participate in our success race, and take real skin action too, to not only buy the gem brilliant idea, but to share it with at least 12 others too.
Always know, and learn how to moderate and seek out those not out to see you fail, waste your time, or try to jv with anyone until you have qualified them for that first. ok, Please expect one to try to mess you up, so your not shocked when you do discover how hard it is to find someone to friend and partner with, Intelligence, successful already people, can not help you. only take over your leadership ability and thinking for yourself now is most important, that is the realization of that coop, dis-strangle yourself from those that will not listen. lol, laughter helps too..
http://hope4uall.net is working to be that for at least 2 to the 12 power, or level, what ever way you understand it. Join for life. REAL team is in just a connection no matter how slight, even just sharing an dream, to have a gem http://dr.hope4uall.com allowing us to share it with others, to physically make it known, is the difference I want to share with anyone, who will walk with me for a year, http://hope4uall.net sign up follow along?

Hope4uall exists as one man's dream to change the world for the better, to be free of fear, poverty, stress, disease, and negativity altogether. To manifest Intention. Follow the steps on the blog, Follow the way to the promised land. DO IT, FOR ALL YOUR HEART SOUL BODY AND MIND, LEARNING, TO BE FREE CREATORS OURSELVES, Free others of their limitations, of Fear. Be Hope4uall
I See all who Visit in real time, please say hi to me here ok..
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- My Choice words for Individuals on independence day, Remember the work it took to celebrate?
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connect with hope4uall at 5pm daily, if you don't see me skype me IamMtfirefox
You will have the money and have the team already built by then.
Your team will succeed, so decide now to get right on in, and work with eachother, personally, daily even, to realize a team, and to use that team in multiple product solutions, that each work together to sustain the growth.
Working to qualify in the steps on the left, will tie you into success with me shortly.
You will own your own membership systematically duplicating what SUCCEEDED for me, to brand YOUR Group building effort, and to become the store owner, you MUST brand your business name, not just YOU, and, be about finding your skype team to build free, so your communications will be tied together, in skype, and LIVE together, in transparency, I show you how to put all you doing with everyone, into ONE group, http://primeskype.hope4uall.com. Get your own profile after you connect to my link, and as you move on to better team building focus,
Your team will GROW leaps and bounds.
YOU NEED A LIST AND Skype as well as your own web based GVO chat, will enable you all. set up. quick, you qualify with only two whom become your true team to interact with, REAL LIVE Meeting and interaction, So get set up fully, to become verifiable and be committed to being involved, you must simply be THERE, or here everyday at 5pm ready to talk, not some hidden shyness, not mean either, just don't be a defensive whiner or silent stammer.
Team build like you mean to be there, LIVE http://hope4uall.net &
You will have the money and have the team already built by then.
Your team will succeed, so decide now to get right on in, and work with eachother, personally, daily even, to realize a team, and to use that team in multiple product solutions, that each work together to sustain the growth.
Working to qualify in the steps on the left, will tie you into success with me shortly.
You will own your own membership systematically duplicating what SUCCEEDED for me, to brand YOUR Group building effort, and to become the store owner, you MUST brand your business name, not just YOU, and, be about finding your skype team to build free, so your communications will be tied together, in skype, and LIVE together, in transparency, I show you how to put all you doing with everyone, into ONE group, http://primeskype.hope4uall.com. Get your own profile after you connect to my link, and as you move on to better team building focus,
Your team will GROW leaps and bounds.
YOU NEED A LIST AND Skype as well as your own web based GVO chat, will enable you all. set up. quick, you qualify with only two whom become your true team to interact with, REAL LIVE Meeting and interaction, So get set up fully, to become verifiable and be committed to being involved, you must simply be THERE, or here everyday at 5pm ready to talk, not some hidden shyness, not mean either, just don't be a defensive whiner or silent stammer.
Team build like you mean to be there, LIVE http://hope4uall.net &
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