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Monday, October 10, 2011

a thought pathway starts with really looking at the details, for a purpose to show it's self, in the light of humanity.

"I am" a brilliant minded man, who's wakened, and somehow have managed by the grace of GOD, to be exactly where, earth changes were taking place, while I was there in virginia, in long island when life was being manipulated WORLD changing events, unfolded where I have lived, like a path of the indian, one  path, but many people made it, I seen that there is no real care in our world,  and left the drama, with a future plan, and many Idea's that take all this knowing, I've spent day and night for four to five years, after this, led by GOD, I swear this to be true, to discover an answer the questions of life, the holographic reality, when I got acid tripping,  and that couldn't have been as clear to me, as it is now, that we need these experiences, that they shape our minds, to accept the fantasm that is our reality,   Without which, it's a solidified, I can't change shit mentality,  it's through expanding the mind, with chemicals, of many kinds, that are able to unlock the dna doors of our actual gene's, and it has only now in this time, ever at all even been possible,
Then you wake up, to the turning tide of our political world, and you see that someone, with mass force, as ruined the farm, ruined the family, and abused our kids, forcing them to live with bullies, and more, but, because of my intention to find out what this world, COULD BE, and what it has been and currently is going through, getting the big picture, in reality understanding, that,   all along it has been PEOPLE on earth, that go forth with intention to bring into being the life, we understand in our minds,  Most want to see a future of HOPE,  but the only way is for you YES FOR YOU, to realize, and change,  INTEND to bring a force into the world, for change, and FOR YOU ALL, not only myself,

Too many people are locked up in their emotional state of being lied to and decieved, they don't trust nothing they see, do or hear about, but when someone does, that proves to them they were missled, and all out, we all know, we don't want to be missled, but the extensions then into the worlds people,  some of the most beautiful people, in all of time, had social revolution, under ONE leader with emotion and heart, did, much more than we are told about, that we all would appreciate, of one man, to be real, look at what was said, listen, interpreted, to what Hitler said, and what his sign meant, and what other people in all of history, used this to try to help the world, but they fit people with guns, not books, they burned the knowing, from people, and these stupid kids, all of them became the lion, that ate millions of jews, from the outlook of total failure to save life of germans, above that of the international cartel that many JEW's gift to people, how it is that christ is a king of the JEW's that monitarily they help eachother, and then look down on everyone around them as lazy or no good,  Jewishness is why people were hater's, NO ONE WANTED THEM IN THEIR COUNTRY, no one, they start shit, they are poor, or super rich, and they have no regard for the race's of people in this world, as they all are ugly, or ugly minded, and treat people with kindness with beauty, as they are jelous,   it was JEWISHness, that took over and wiped out americans, they feel they OWN OUR WORLD, and they take what they want, and deceptively ruin the people, infecting other sociaties, too, with strife, unsetting people to take over land, grabing peoples banking systems and spreading the countries cash to their own,  they continue to this day even to their own people, these elite Jewish people that and catholics, use most of history, to the cause of rope em in, rob them, as they go from country to country, capitalizing and collapsing progress of and security of these people, by "setting people up", to be breakers of GOD's rules, that make them this way, and forced to be anywhere they can live, then those hurt by them, go and get their revenge, by the ruin the lives of those around them,  there were millions of jews, why didn't they just become soldiers of the riecht?    They were not trusting, they kept not themselves, but took upon themselves, to indoctrine others with their beliefs, all of them, use guilty wording to get said shit, shit, that has nothing to do with reality,  If they had been, sent to isreal, then they could have got them out of germany, but even the usa sent them away from it's shores,   WHY? do you know why they did, because they have international relations, that are a direct path to the disruption of a countries educaton and productivity, as a whole,  they talk shit start crap, and then get the internations to hate people, where ever they are,    Really, what would you want a leader to say to people?  be lazy, do what you like, forget the distruction they cause with international bigatree?    people of their own country should remain that,  people are different, quit trying to make us all the same, jew that you push on others,  let us be ourselves, as a country leader,  Hitler has done way more, with people than any other in history,  America is full on in cahoots with these very german scientists that did that horror to them people,   they then ruined the past and future, by working what they did in the montauk case,  if you don't know,  you bet, they will use it against you,  Ignorance, IS NOT BLISS, it's stupid,    get informed, and begin to take stock of what people say, and what people do,    if you don't, some turky will take you for a ride, and them Jewisness, isn't just in Jewish people, it's in these international brothers of theirs that light the fuse of hate, and change people don't want.  forcing your guilt to be real with every breath someone takes, is not right, we can't build in that, only destroy,   I have always been told that people should all have a full on hatered the hitler,   by that means, those that KNOW, white people are very much a miniority in the world, as rebelious, STRONG PEOPLE, manchines, and beautiful women too,  I never imagined there were such beautiful women,  Ours are all fat, nasty, and full of their problems, not at all what I seen in these video's that tell it like it happened, not how some hate filled  naziness, ongoing ruthlessness, by the death of people, that didn't belong to that country, wouldn't leave, and didn't have any other country want them, either, but the fact is, they are still EVERYWHERE, but the beautiful of the human race, were wiped out, when they made them women dig and bury people that they had nothing to do with, These women, that were raped and abused by british and american gi's  hatred, running rampant, ONLY being told how it was,  that is what it has been made out to be, what it was not meant to be by GOD.,    GOD, don't stop what we do, to hurt others, if we destroy ourselves, or stop what other people decide to create out of reality, jelousy and hatred, is the only meaning for so many lives,  yet, in all of history,  no one else has done as much GOOD, out of a country, to get the people into the mind set to build a future, that would have been a future of space travel, and more as Hitler did want to do obviously, but american CONTROLERS,  has continued to kill everyone that is, or ever has, using secrets, and around the clock police state, I wonder how they can even move in their own world they create this police state, fema, camps, all out, EXPECTING TO PLAN, TO KILL ALL AMERICANS AS THEY DID IN GERMANY, and works out of their control, are trying to get us into space as real , no one, has that charisma before or since, but look at how very many recordings of what hitler said, that were what we all would want to hear, that is fully realized when you review, true he was to his people, that he cared, that the woman stay strong to build the future, that was her job, and most to protect them from the horror's of war,  but then america don't consider that, what was actually said and done, last century,   to come together, in understanding that action must be intentional, Learn it all, YOU CAN NOT FORGET ANYTHING THAT MATTERS,  and what they have all said, in this talk, I ALREADY KNOWN FOR MANY YEARS< I rediscovered Jumping, at 14, I knew then that the fact is, ONCE, we have begun to inform each other, that hate get's us no where, and idea's manifested, are either sold, shared or put down and distorted, but the fact of it is, if we don't use what we learn or obtain them solutions to the effort of a life, then even that of the fact our man-chines, that actually are made up of this field of universal stuff,  that to realize we all need to grow and share and work in overunity, to use all the science we find within our KNOW THY SELF commandment, to the GOD LEVEL of realization, not just that you need to eat, but to know what to eat, why to eat it, and what about that we are made of the dust of the earth, do you not see this is told to us,     Most of us, don't control our emotion, we live it, are it, but have to see, out side of it, in the bigger picture, what is important, is the discovered future we HAVE TO COME TOGETHER AND CHANGE IT< NOW!  look up 2137 if you need that info, Philadelphia experiment, was no failure,    many of these people are fully telling it like it is, you can see there is truth being put to us, and when it's a lie, and  The fact is, even JUST ONE TEACHING, the crystal energy, is the basis, in every cell, but comes together, moving from cell to cell, frequency transmission, and reception, just like any radio crystal, from the spirit molecule, to the accumulation of and use of, super strings of thought, make active, all of it all, through thoughts that begin from the pineal gland,    These thoughts, are the soul talking, but you don't see it, cuz YOU ARE THE SOUL, and as such learning all you can, about the brain, and the way your body works, allows you to exist, and continue, survival as a being.  God built us the best darn machine to manifest reality in, that is litereally, bringing our bodies, to become, a walking talking tesla coil, and computer, and transmitter, receiver, all out, is true, the pineal gland is the actual top of our own tesla coil of physical, atomic base structure, physically created by our veins,  full of what ever is in with the blood flowing, producing, mix's of energy, that build upon it's structure, in finite unity, As our blood, traverses our body, like an tesla coil of copper, and aluminum, our veins them selves, our copper tube, and the parts inside, reacting in ourselves, can add to our body, the minute parts of energy, from zeropoint source's, by adding into the body, that mono atomic changed, state of star metals, and a host of other molecules too, but, in mono atomic state, missing an electron, metal, the stuff of batteries,  bind gently to oxygen, and it becomes, and cellular battery construction when it finds it's way to the dna, the carbon nano structure, is a tesla coil too, and when you put to it, coated with or saturated with orme's, our body automatically use's these particles, to build the body's ability to use energy, can then use the pineal gland, and the computer brain, and the frequency of knowing what your doing, can reach into any conscious being, and share that freq, with them, like one electron to another, simple understanding, is, if you do anything, that chanels energy change of any kind, from to one electron, that changes it's energy, by sheer presence of ourselves, on the field, we all SEE, what WE SEE, based on what we are able to actually learn, and not only that, but to bend the emotional state of mind, to become calm, is the only way to expand, because if others, don't frequent the thoughts I do, by what I know, then they don't just change, they become a force field of sorts instead.   We have to agree with each other, to get ahead with each other,   and without people we can't go no where alone,   so if you were to learn that 8 billion people will die, and ONLY the military industrial complex remains in existance, in less than 5 years,   it caused within my mind, this drive to save humanity,  BY TAKING ACTION TO DO IT.     Building our own city of sim, on earth, here and now, we can change it,   but if we do not come together, if people like me, are just left to be alone, then it will NOT HAPPEN,    I need people to take respect, and show some, LET ME TALK, It is vital, that we work our way out of this police state, and grow up on the continent, RIGHT NOW,    we only have few that are awake,    what ever happens to me, I know I will be ok,  but I want to be great, I want to wake people up, to see that I was given life, when I should be dead, and that I have what it takes to lead this cause,     What people all missing is, that when someone takes that stand, it's up to others to engage, and enable them to complete this project.

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